I have a passion for creating and using my talents to make people smile!

September 15, 2012

WHERE have I been?

I have been asked this question a MILLION times! So sorry to have just dropped off the face of the earth for the last 11 months. The reason? Here it is...

Meet Mr. Lincoln Tyler Green! He was born on June 26th at 12:12 pm! Good reason huh? :-)
I had been sick for a couple of months following a trip to the Florida Keys. I thought maybe I had picked up some kind of bacteria or something...only to find I was almost 3 months pregnant! Total shock! I was told we wouldn't be able to have anymore due to my health issues...but....doctors don't know everything!

I stayed pretty sick until my 4th month...then had a little reprieve for the 5th month...then the 6th month on was a nightmare as he was trying his best to come early. He did end up being 3 weeks early. But he is happy and healthy with no issues.

Although I was so sick...I did try to finish up some loose orders I had and even picked up a few if I felt like I could do them. But for the most part...I completely closed up shop. After adjusting to life with a newborn...which took a LOT of adjusting saying my other son is almost 7....I decided it was time to come back. So I set my come back date to September 1st. And wow...talk about a come back! Within 7 days....I become completely booked for the entire year!! I can not believe it! Now just because I am booked...doesn't mean that I cant take any orders. I can take smaller orders...but the bigger ones...I can't. But I am already started taking orders for next year. I am so thankful and humbled by everyone! For me to be gone that long and when I come back...everyone jump on with orders...just really made me feel great! So thanks to everyone! And also a big thank you to all of you who sent gifts, cards, and emails with the baby! I have such an amazing group of fans!! I really appreciate you guys!

Thank you for your love and support! I look forward to the future and see what kinds of things you'll have in store for me and my clay!

Thanks again!
