I have a passion for creating and using my talents to make people smile!

November 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

Okay...so today is my birthday. I have been dreading this day for over 6 months now. I am now 30! I don't know WHY I have dreaded this so bad. I just hate leaving my twenties! But it's not like I was going to stop it! So here I am, now 30, and I might as well embrace it right? yea. Can you hear the excitement? Hehehe!

Well, in honor of my birthday...I decided to be busy. Well, to keep my mind off it! And so I have been working the last couple of weeks on my inventory for my store in Pigeon Forge. Soooo...here is some pics of the new stuff that I just delivered....

So that should hold...for a while! :-) Well...off to make more stuff! Hope my feeble 30 year old bones hold up! Hehehe!