I have a passion for creating and using my talents to make people smile!

January 20, 2011

The sad story of Macy

This amazing woman Vikki contacted me about info on a sculpture of her dog Macy that had just passed away. Not knowing the whole story...I wrote her back with all the info and left it at that. Usually at that point my they either commit or don't. But she wrote me back and explained the she couldn't because the grief was just too hard to bear. I felt her pain through the email...it was so strong. So I reached out to her and spoke to her about her grief. Come to find out her little Macy which was a Minature Pincher and Chihuahua mix had been viciously attacked and killed. She was just devastated. She had been blessed with Macy for eight years....that was her baby...her life. I felt so strongly for her...I wanted to do something for her. It wasn't much...but I hoped that it would help in some way. I made her a hand painted pendant that could be used on a necklace or on a key chain. Here are the pics...

So to my dear new friend Vikki in Newport Beach, CA....keep your head up...because she is looking down on you! You are special and I am glad that our paths crossed!