I have a passion for creating and using my talents to make people smile!

September 1, 2013

Please bear with me as I update my blog! It should be up and current by

SEPTEMBER 9th, 2013

I apologize for any inconvenience.

Be sure to check out my website for more about me and current items for sale

Have questions or want to inquire about a custom sculpture? 
Feel free to email me!!

Thank you for your patience!
Have a GREAT day!

September 15, 2012

WHERE have I been?

I have been asked this question a MILLION times! So sorry to have just dropped off the face of the earth for the last 11 months. The reason? Here it is...

Meet Mr. Lincoln Tyler Green! He was born on June 26th at 12:12 pm! Good reason huh? :-)
I had been sick for a couple of months following a trip to the Florida Keys. I thought maybe I had picked up some kind of bacteria or something...only to find I was almost 3 months pregnant! Total shock! I was told we wouldn't be able to have anymore due to my health issues...but....doctors don't know everything!

I stayed pretty sick until my 4th month...then had a little reprieve for the 5th month...then the 6th month on was a nightmare as he was trying his best to come early. He did end up being 3 weeks early. But he is happy and healthy with no issues.

Although I was so sick...I did try to finish up some loose orders I had and even picked up a few if I felt like I could do them. But for the most part...I completely closed up shop. After adjusting to life with a newborn...which took a LOT of adjusting saying my other son is almost 7....I decided it was time to come back. So I set my come back date to September 1st. And wow...talk about a come back! Within 7 days....I become completely booked for the entire year!! I can not believe it! Now just because I am booked...doesn't mean that I cant take any orders. I can take smaller orders...but the bigger ones...I can't. But I am already started taking orders for next year. I am so thankful and humbled by everyone! For me to be gone that long and when I come back...everyone jump on with orders...just really made me feel great! So thanks to everyone! And also a big thank you to all of you who sent gifts, cards, and emails with the baby! I have such an amazing group of fans!! I really appreciate you guys!

Thank you for your love and support! I look forward to the future and see what kinds of things you'll have in store for me and my clay!

Thanks again!


September 12, 2012

Hummingbird Sculpture

I haven't done one of these in quite some time. Sculptures like this used to be one of my biggest sellers before I started doing the custom orders. But I had a little hummer...just hanging around just needing a home. So two hours later including sculpting and painting...I have a complete sculpture. I think he turned out really well. And obviously someone else thought so also! Within 5 minutes of being posted...he was bought!

This little guys is going to a very special person whom I feel blessed to have met...who's mother, who passed away, LOVED hummingbirds! So thank you Judy! I hope this little guy enjoys his new home in Highland Mills, NY!

Hummingbird Pendant and Earrings

Etsy has been going like WILDFIRE here lately! I am excited! And this listing was to a WONDERFUL person who started out as my first collector, who LOVES my hummingbirds, that has grown to be a very dear friend of mine!

These little guys Went to Jenny in Pioneer, Ohio! Thank you Jenny! I know you will take good care of these guys! Thanks for being so wonderful! Love ya!

July 27, 2012

Here was an order for one of my nuthatch pins!

This little guy made his trip to Reton, Washington safe and sound! Thank you Charlene! Enjoy!

June 25, 2012

Proposal Piece

So it was getting crunch time with my pregnancy when I was contacted to do a piece. I explained I wasn't doing anymore orders due to having so many complications with my pregnancy. Then he explained what he wanted and why. He wanted a sculpture to use in his marriage proposal to his girlfriend! How in the heck do you say no to that?!! Well, I couldn't say no. So we talked about what he wanted. He loves polar bears and she loves penguins...so we had to have the polar bear proposing to the penguin. After working on it for a couple of weeks...I finally made his idea a reality! Here are the pics....

This turned out so well...I was even impressed with myself! So I carefully packaged it up and shipped it to Reno, NV on 6/25 at 11:54 am....and 24 hours and 18 minutes later....I had my son! Talk about cutting close! Thank you Eric for choosing me for such a special piece! I know she will say yes! Enjoy!

March 12, 2012


This sculpture was for a very sweet woman. She was a pleasure to work with through the whole process and was very understanding with my situation. She was getting the sculpture done for her mother who had lost her dear dog Calypso.The dog turned out perfect and she and her mother couldn't have been more happier!

                                                              The REAL Calypso
                                                                    The sculpture

Calypso made his way to Reynoldsburg, Ohio safe and sound. This is what she had to say...

"OH MY GOD! The sculpture is AMAZING! Its alot bigger than i imagined and the pictures just didnt do it justice..I am SOOOO impressed. We got it about a week ago i just hadnt found the time to e-mail you. Seriously it is amazing. My mom cried..she thinks it looks so much like him that she misses him now. Definitely the best gift shes ever gotten. I will definitely be using your services again. Thankyou soooooo much!"

Thank YOU Melissa! I enjoyed working with you and making such a special gift for your mom! I hope she enjoys it for years to come!

December 23, 2011

Ace & Copper

Earlier this year I made a gift for my son's teacher who had lost her beloved pug. She showed it off and another teacher was moved to contact me about making her son a sculpture of his dogs for Christmas. An English Setter and a Beagle were the subjects...and here are the pics....

The REAL Ace and Copper

The sculpture

Due to me being sick from my pregnancy...this order ended up being finished right at the end of the line...December 23rd!! I met her and her husband for delivery that night. They were so very excited and pleased with the sculpture. Just seeing their faces made all the hard work I put into it worth it! Then the next day I got a text of her son holding the sculpture and smiling from ear to ear! This is what she had to say,

"Oh my gosh! He loves it so much! He just sat there & looked at it all around and checking it out from every angle. He also agrees that it looks just like his boys! Thank you so much! You are so incredibly talented!"

So thank you Rhonda! It was such a joy working with you!! I am glad that he loved it! I am sure to be seeing you around the school! Thanks again and Merry Christmas! :-)

December 19, 2011

International Cardinal Pin

This was an international order that was placed through my online Etsy store....

Because I ran late due to being sick from my pregnancy...I paid Express shipping to ensure it was received by Christmas to a dear woman in Ontario, Canada. Thank you Lindsay for your business and your patience with me. I hope she loved the pin! Please come again and Merry Christmas!

Custom Black Bears

A sweet wonderful woman came to me via my online Etsy store asking about my black bears. Her grandparents LOVED black bears and she wanted to have some custom bears made that fit the grandparents personalities. We had the Grandfather bear who was a photographer and who loved is John Wayne style holster and pistol as well as his Tilley hat. Then there was the grandfather bear with the great granddaughter up on his shoulders coming from the garden with tomatoes and the little one eating one. Then we had the grandmother bear with a large straw hat and a Longaberger Basket with her favorite veggies from the garden...tomatoes and okra. Then last...we had the grandmother bear with the great granddaughter bear as they come with the basket of tomatoes and okra.

It was such a wonderfully creative idea to make these bears into persona of real people!!

I ran really late with the order due to my pregnancy related sickness, but the bears were shipped to Harvest, AL just in time for Christmas. Thank you SOOOO much Tori for your patience with me with my being sick. It was such a joy working with you! I hope that your grandparents loved them! You have such a sweet family and the love that you have for them is awesome!! Thank you for everything! Stay in touch and Merry Christmas!